Kombucha SCOBY

This will be a great guide to start your own kombucha SCOBY (symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast) which you can use to make up to an infinite amount of large kombucha batches. A great way to save money in the long term while also reaping the nutritional benefits and learning about fermentation.
Total Time12 mins
Cuisine: Chinese
Keyword: Black tea, Fermentation, Kombucha, SCOBY
Servings: 1 SCOBY
Cost: $.30


  • 1 Pot
  • Large (roughly 1 gallon in volume) jar, bowl, measuring cup, container


  • 1 Bottle Organic and raw bottled kombucha with SCOBY still intact Choose a flavorless bottle since you want to start a SCOBY which it's later kombucha batches will be flavored to your choice.
  • 2 Cups Boiling Water
  • 1/2 cup Sugar
  • 2 teabags Black Tea


  • Boil the water, add to a jar, and steep the black tea bags for 10-15 minutes.
  • Remove the tea bags (reuse for later tea cups or compost if able to/compostable material) and add in the sugar to the tea, stirring until fully dissolved.
  • Let the tea and sugar mixture cool until it is under 90 degrees farenheit, so that when you add in the kombucha with SCOBY, it does not die off by the heat.
  • Add in the bottle of kombucha with its SCOBY to the mixture.
  • Let the mixture in its jar (with a clean cloth or rag covering the top so that nothing gets into the mixture) sit in room temperature environment (70-75 degrees farenheit preferably) for 7-10 days, and you will be able to see the SCOBY form inside of the liquid or laying on the surface on it. That's when it will be ready to do a second fermentation for bulk batches of kombucha.